Travel Health

Travel Assessment

Our trained nurses offer a full travel advice and immunisation service to our registered patients.

To arrange a free appointment, click on the link opposite to download, complete and return our travel assessment form. The form will appear in downloads on your computer. You will need to access it there. 

We need one form for each patient who is travelling, regardless of their age.

Once we have received your form, we will contact you to arrange the appointment. Please only contact us if you have not heard from us after 2 weeks. 

a close up of a map

Do you need vaccinations?

Please arrange your initial travel appointment at least 6-8 weeks before departure if possible.  Vaccines need time to take effect and some may require several doses, over several weeks.

Select a region to find out more from


Central Asia

East Asia

Australasia & Pacific


Central America

Europe & Russia

Middle East

North America

South America & Antarctica

Travel Vaccination Prices

Travel advice is covered by the NHS.  The initial assessment appointment and all advice we give is free of charge to our registered patients.  

Some vaccinations for travel purposes are also provided free of charge, as they are covered by the NHS.

However many vaccinations for travel, and also prescriptions for travel medications including antimalarials and medications for altitude sickness, are not covered by the NHS and therefore charges apply. 

Payment for non-NHS services must be made in advance.

The following vaccines are immediately available in the surgery:

  • NHS: Diphtheria (free), Tetanus (free), Polio (free), Hepatitis A (free), Typhoid (free)
  • Non-NHS: Hepatitis B (adult) £55 per dose (usually 3 or 4 required), Hepatitis B (child) £55 per dose (usually 3 or 4 required), Rabies £60 per dose (usually 3 required), Meningitis ACWY £75 per dose (usually single dose), Japanese Encephalitis £90 per dose (2 required)

Yellow fever and Tick-borne Encephalitis vaccinations are not provided in the surgery but are available from specialist travel clinics.

Please note that vaccination prices and availability are subject to change.

a person using a laptop computer sitting on top of a wooden table

Further Travel Information

The following websites will give you additional travel advice: for NHS travel advice

The NHS website on Travel Health for information of vaccinations available on NHS

MASTA for private vaccination clinics for specific country travel advice

EHIC to apply for your free European Health Insurance Card

Rabies and Immunoglobulin Service (RIgS) - GOV.UK for information on rabies


Rabies Advice

If you travel to a rabies high risk area or country, and you haven't had your rabies vaccinations in advance. Should you have a bite or scratch from a stray dog or cat, seek medial advice promptly in the area/country you are in at the time of the incident. DO NOT wait until you are back home. 
Rabies vaccine schedules are different in each country. You may be told that you require further doses of the rabies vaccine once back in the UK - this may not always be the case. Please visit Rabies and Immunoglobulin Service (RIgS) - GOV.UK for further information and guidance.