New Patients

Non-urgent advice: Registering Online

We encourage all new patients to register on line

  • Provided that the individual is over 6 years of age, this is the only step necessary to register with us.
  • First year students - please use your College as your residential address.
  • All other addresses within our practice area will be accepted.

If you prefer, you can call in to reception and collect paper registration forms.

 You can also register here via the new NHS Registration Service

Non-urgent advice: New Patients Under 6 Years of Age

Please register your child using the online form.

It is important not to miss any of the childhood vaccinations currently recommended, so for children under 6, once you've sent in your registration form,  please send us a copy of the vaccination pages of your child's Health Development Record (in the UK this is usually called the "Red Book").

The easiest way to do so is to take a photograph of the record and to send it to us ON  Remember to include your child's FULL NAME, DATE OF BIRTH and ADDRESS.

Our nursing team will contact you if your child has not had any of the vaccinations which are currently recommended by the UK programme.

Non-urgent advice: Students

We encourage all students to register through the new GP Registration Service

  • First year students - please use your College as your residential address.
  • All other addresses within our practice area will be accepted.

If you prefer, you can call in to reception and collect paper registration forms.

If you have long term condition which requires hospital treatment please contact the GP Surgery to discuss your options before registering.

If you have  ADHD or are seeking a diagnosis please see Adult-ADHD

Please register early so you have continuity of care.

Register as New Patient

The practice welcomes new patients who live within our practice area.  The Practice area is between Madingley Road to the M11 and Histon Road to the A14. Patients living in Girton and Oakington can also register with us.

Unfortunately the NHS is organised in such a way that unless you live within the area covered by our practice you will be asked to register with a practice closer to your home. You can find out which practices cover your home address at the NHS choices website.

The doctors run an individual list system and believe they can provide the best care by taking personal responsibility for patients registered with them. You are strongly encouraged to see the doctor with whom you are registered. If your registered doctor is not available an alternative will be offered.



Practice Boundary

Your address is within the catchment area.
Your address is outside of the catchment area.
Address not found.
What To Do Next

All new patients are welcome to have a New Patient Check with a member of the clinical team.  Please contact reception if you would like to arrange one. 

If you are on repeat medication from your previous doctor please note that you will not be able to access this medication without first having agreed it with your new doctor.  Please contact us as soon as you have registered in order to make the arrangements.  DO NOT leave it until you are running out of medication.

Medical treatment is available from the date of registration.

Visitors To Our Area

If you are a visitor to the practice area and require medical attention, you should contact your own registered GP surgery.  Most problems are handled over the phone or internet consultation nowadays, so even if you are away from home, your own GP surgery can usually help you. This includes sending medication through to a pharamcy near you.

If your own GP is recommending a face-2-face consultation but you really can't get back home to see them, we may be able to help.  Please contact our reception if you need to discuss this.

If you are actually living within our practice area you will be asked to register with our practice.

Private Patients

All our regular patients are seen under the NHS. However we do find that some of our visiting temporary patients prefer to see us as private patients.  

If you would prefer to be seen as a private patient, we may be able to offer you an appointment, depending on availability of appointments.

Please contact reception for more information on current service charges and to discuss how to arrange an appointment.

Non-English Speakers

These fact sheets explain the role of UK health services, the National Health Service (NHS), to newly-arrived individuals seeking asylum. They cover issues such as the role of GPs, how to register and how to access emergency services.

Special care has been taken to ensure that information is given in clear language, and the content and style has been tested with user groups.

Click to open the leaflets in one of the following languages:


The practice is fully accessible to all patients. 

Some consultation rooms are on the first floor.  If you are unable to manage the stairs, your doctor or nurse would be happy to see you in a spare room on the ground floor.  There is no need to book in advance for this.

At both our sites, the car park is on the same level as the main reception area and waiting room.  Accessible toilet, baby change and breatfeeding facilities are available on the same level.

If you have a hearing or other sensory problem please consider contacting reception who will do their best to faciliate your visit.  Portable hearing loops are available.  There is no need to pre-book.

Patients' Rights and Responsibilities

You have a right to the best medical attention available according to clinical need. All our patients have the same rights and demand is high. If you make an appointment that you cannot keep PLEASE LET US KNOW so that another patient may benefit.

As responsible employers we have duties to protect our staff in their working environment. Any patient who is abusive - either verbally or physically - to our staff will be removed from our list and the Police informed.

Any questions regarding our surgery policies or procedures should be addressed to the Business Manager, Neil Paterson.